210 Jacques Martin Street, Sainte-Anne-De-Madawaska, New Brunswick E7E1N1 is For Sale and has a listing price of 118,888. The property is located in the neighbourhood. It's been on the website for 28 Days.
Looking for peace and quiet? This charming home in the serene area between Grand Falls and Edmundston is perfect for first-time buyers or those looking to downsize. Enjoy a tranquil lifestyle without sacrificing convenience. Envie de paix et de tranquillite? Cette charmante maison, dans un secteur paisible entre Grand-Sault et Edmundston, est parfaite pour les premiers acheteurs ou ceux qui veulent une maison plus petite. Profitez d’un style de vie tranquille sans compromis sur le confort. (id:43137)
List Date | MLS ID | List Price | Status | End Date | Closed Price |
11/27/2024 | NB109747 | $118,888 | For Sale | - | - |